examination |
■ Eligibility requirements for the Special Admissions Examination for
International Students
(1) Foreign nationals who will complete by March 2012 or have already completed
16 years of school education in their home countries.
(2) Foreign nationals who, as an international student, will graduate by March 2012 or have already graduated a Japanese university certified under Article 83 of the School Education Act of Japan.
(3) International students of age of 22 and above who have undergone an individual admissions review by the Kurume University School of Nursing and as a result have been found to possess a level of education equal to or exceeding that of an undergraduate degree.
Individuals eligible under item (3) above are defined as:
A. Individuals who will be 22 or above on March 31, 2012, who have graduated from a junior college, vocational school or any other type of professional school with a degree in a discipline related to medicine or nursing, and who clear all of the following conditions.
I. Possesses a national license in either medicine, nursing or welfare
II. Has at least four years of working experience in an occupation requiring any of the national licenses stated above
III. Has a record of academic achievements such as academic journal publications, academic society participation or research presentations
Note: A national license in medicine, nursing or welfare includes –
a. Licenses that allow private practice in healthcare-related fields such as medicine, dentistry, veterinary services, professional massage therapy, acupuncture, moxibustion and judo orthopedics.
b. A license in a field related to healthcare or nursing such as professional nursing, midwifery, public health, X-ray imaging, clinical testing, pharmacology, dietetics, managed dietetics, clinical engineering, dental hygiene, dental engineering, physical therapy, prosthetics, speech/hearing therapy, occupational therapy, orthoptics or sanitary inspection.
c. A license in a field related to welfare such as public mental health, social work or caregiving for the disabled and the elderly.
B. Individuals who will be 22 or above on March 31, 2012, who have graduated from a junior college, vocational school or any other type of professional school , and who clear all of the following conditions.
I. Has a research background in medicine or has at least four years of working experience in the field of medicine, nursing or welfare (letters of reference from past employers or supervisors will be required for substantiation)
II. Has a record of academic achievements such as academic journal publications, academic society participation or research presentations
Please contact the educational affairs
department of the details below.
University Graduate School of Medicine
The educational affairs department
67 Asahi-machi, Kurume-shi,
e-mail igaku-kyomu@kurume-u.ac.jp
